Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What does Healthcare Reform mean for you? What Path Should You Take???

What does the Federal Healthcare Reform mean to you?
What can you do to prepare?

The misinformation that has been circulated is that there is a "blanket fix" for what you can do to make sure you are compliant.

The truth is, that it is quite a bit more complex and complicated than that.

What will it cost me?????
Good Question!

There are quite a few factors that will determine what your path should be.
Some of the factors that will be taken into account are:

What is your age? (there will be age banded brackets)
Where do you work... How many employees work where you do?
What is your income..... What is your projected income for NEXT year?
How many people are in your family or household?
Are you currently insured and with whom?

These are just a few things to take into account, not even to mention the taxes and what that may look like for you....

We would like to help steer you in the correct direction for YOU and YOUR FAMILY!!
Your friends, coworkers, and neighbors scenarios most likely WILL NOT  be right for you!

Call us or email us today to schedule your time to sit and discuss what Health Care Reform may look like for you!

-Steve Jensen
Insurance Annex

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