Thursday, January 31, 2013

Peace of Mind...

Peace of Mind is a HUGE part of having a Healthy Life!

Peace of Mind means a lot of different things to everyone.
Some examples may be having Peace of Mind that your children are in the care of safe people.
Or, trusting that you are giving your family the highest quality healthy products for everyday use can create Peace of Mind.

A lot of times Peace of Mind is a Financial thing.  Knowing that if something happens to you, like an injury from a car wreck or a health problem, that you have the right Insurance Protection for your family.
Having Life Insurance creates Peace of Mind by knowing that if you were to pass away, that your family wouldn't be burdened financially.

A lot of times Peace of Mind is a Personal Character thing. That can be a big one... 
Personal Character goes a long way with having Peace of Mind. 
As the saying goes...  Character is what you do when you think no one is looking.

This could mean a lot of things.
Let's look at what that may mean...

Maybe you hang out with people that you know are bad influences on you or your family or marriage.   Good Character promotes cutting ties with the bad influences in you life for the sake of your family.

Maybe having that "one more drink" when you know you make poor choices after you drink.  Or sneaking that cigarette when you know it will kill you and leave your kids without you.

It could be searching the internet for things that you know would hurt the people that love you.
People get sucked into that lifestyle oh too often and easily, especially with the boom in social media, videos, pop up ads, etc...

But nobody's watching... right?  What my family doesn't know won't hurt them... right?

Wrong!  Wrong! Wrong!
YOU know.  You know that you are doing these things, and chances are, so does someone else.
The problem with YOU knowing that you're sneaking or searching or whatever it may be is that no matter how you justify it,  you act different and hurt the people that love you.
Building good Personal Character really does take an effort and will bring you Peace of Mind.

Think about stress.  How stressful is it hiding what you do? 
Wouldn't it be nice to live without that stress?  
Challenge yourself to have the Character to stop.

My Healthy Life not only promotes Living Healthy by Products and Services, but we challenge worthy people to live with Peace of Mind from Personal Character.

Please contact Us if you are struggling with your Peace of Mind.  We may have the resources or connections to get you in touch with help!

Email or Call Us

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